

Ecoropa Founding
Declaration of the Ecological European Action Group


First Colloquium


Working group on "Political Criteria for Ecological Action"
"Ecoropa Messages"
Support for Austrian referendum on nuclear power
Austrian referendum on nuclear power


German Ecoropa chapter established
Symposium "Towards an Ecological Economy"


“Economics" Conference
Conference “Ecology and Health”
Founding of Ecoropa-France


Colloquium "Ecology and Labour"
Colloquium "Economic Alternatives"


Berlin Convention for Peace
Submission against arms races to the UN General Assembly
Reflection Workshop "Peace"
International Water Tribunal
International Water Tribunal
Second Workshop in La Baume


Economic Conference "Small is Possible"
Publication of "The Social and Environmental Effects of Large Dams"
Meeting “Health/Nutrition”


Spring Meeting
Center for Alternative Technology
Meeting "Reorganizing the Association ECOROPA"


Chernobyl disaster
Emergency meeting "Chernobyl"


General Assembly
Conference "Gaia and the Biospere"


Meeting and public presentations in Guernica
Committee meeting


"Save the Forest - Save the Planet" Campaign
Committee meeting
3.3 million signatures handed over
Gaia Symposium


Meeting "Modern Agriculture"
Participation at "Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly"


FAO Campaign
10 million signatures
Meeting "Agriculture, FAO, GATT, UNCED"


Conference on "Forests" and "European Union"
Participation at UNCED
Earth Summit in Rio


Petra Kelly Seminar
Support for Asociación de Naturalistas Palentinos
Meeting "ECOROPA’s goals, structure, organisation, projects, including proposal for action on industry"
Meeting "Agriculture, GATT, EU, NAFTA",
World Uranium Hearing
Meeting "European Issues"
Action against nuclear power station Superphenix


Meeting on "Agriculture" and "GATT, EU, NAFTA"
Establishment of Setreng Institute of Ecophilosophy


Participation in UN and other meetings
Participation at "International Forum on Globalizsation"
Action against "European Directive on Biotechnological Inventions"
Meeting "Resource Efficiency versus Sufficiency"
Symposium “In hommage de Denis de Rougemont”


Participation at Conference "Lessons from Chernobyl"
Participation at anti-nuclear demonstration in Islamabad
Meeting "20 Years ECOROPA"


Meeting "Agriculture"


Meeting with "Diverse Women for Diversity"
Meeting "Agriculture and Genetic Engineering"




Meeting "Agriculture"
Participation in "Earth Charter Campaign"
Launch of "Earth Charter"
Suport to TRIPS-CBD case


Meeting "Options for the future of ECOROPA"


Meeting "25 Years of Ecoropa – Ecoropa’s Future"


Informal weekend meeting
Outcome in the TRIPS-CBD case
Meeting "Elections"


Convention on Biological Diversity COP7
Working Group on Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
Working Group on Biotechnology of the World Council of Churches
„The Role of Civil Society in International Environmental Negotiations“
VDW Study group on Biotechnology
Development of Training Materials for the BCH Capacity-Building Project
German Parliamentary Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development on „The Role of Biodiversity in Development Cooperation"
Advisory Board of Birdlife Germany
Cartagena Protocol MOP1
Advisory Board of Birdlife Germany
Earth Dialogues Barcelona
Working Group on Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
VDW meeting "The Precautionary Principle as Guiding Concept for Science and Politics"
NGO Workshop on the Cartagena Protocol its Article 18
UN Workshop on Capacity Building under the Cartagena Protocol
Roundtable on Social Investment
Expert consultation for Capacity Building for the BCH


International Task Force on Global Public Goods
"GMO-free Regions, Biodiversity and Rural Development" conference
GENET meeting
Ecoropa conference "Sustainable and decentralized agriculture“
"Elaboration of a German National Strategy on Biological Diversity"
Expert Group on Article 18.2 a of the Cartagena Protocol
First Wilhelmshöhe Talk on the „Elaboration of a German National Strategy on Biological Diversity“
Second Wilhelmshöhe Talk on the „Elaboration of a German National Strategy on Biological Diversity“
Advisory Board of Birdlife Germany
Working Group on Liability and Redress under the Cartagena Protocol
Cartagena Protocol MOP2
Award for Freda Meissner-Blau at GLOBArt
„German National Strategy on Biological Diversity“
Heinrich Böll Foundation Summer School
Inauguration of the Rural Academy Eichstetten
"Earth Charter +5" Conference
Inaugural Conference “Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns“
Convention on Biological Diversity: SBSTTA11


Working Group on Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
Advisory Board of Birdlife Germany
VDW meeting "Conflicting Thought Patterns in Biology"
Cartagena Protocol MOP3
Meeting between Ecoropa's Honorary President and President
NGO meeting in preparation fo COP8 of the Convention on Biological Diverstity
Conference „The Role of Precaution in GMO Policy"
Immanuel Kant Weltbürger- Award for Michael Meacher und Christine von Weizsäcker
Convention on Biological Diversity COP8
German Society for Human Ecology conference "thics and Environmental Policy"
VDW Study group on GMO applications in agriculture
Project Team on COP9 of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
Project Team COP9 and Working Group meetings of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
"Participation in Biopolitics" workshop in by Forum Umwelt und Entwickling
Chamber on Sustainable Development of the Council of Protestant Churches in Germany
Symposium „Monitoring andd Indikators in Agricultural Biodiversity“
Working Group on Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
VDW Study group on agriculture and biodiversity
öko-Instute meeting "Perspectives of Biodiversity, Food, Agriculture and Genetic Engineering"
Annual Ecoropa meeting and Founding of Ecoropa e.V.
Project Team on COP9 of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development


"Biofuels" conference calls in preparation for SBSTTA 12
Working Group on Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
VDW Study group on agricultural biodiversity
"Biofuels" conference call in preparation for SBSTTA 12
Working Group on Liability and Redress of the Cartagena Protocol
Working Group on Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
"Biofuels" conference call in preparation for SBSTTA 12
"Biofuels" conference call in preparation for SBSTTA 12
CBD NGO Strategy meeting
NATURKongress 2/07 "Growth in Nature and Society"
Conference "Securing GMO free Production"
"Biofuels" conference call in preparation for SBSTTA 12
VDW Advisory Board meeting
VDW celebration "50 Years Göttingen Declaration"
"GMO-free Regions, Biodiversity and Rural Development" conference
GENET Annual Meeting
Civil G8 Dialogue
Project Group on COP9 of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
Symposium "Higher Education and Sustainable Development"
NGO Preparatory Meeting for MOP4/COP9
VDW Study group on agricultural biodiversity
Biannual German Evangelical Church Assembly
Working Group on Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
VDW Study group on agriculture and biodiversity
CBD Alliance strategy meeting for SBSTTA 12
Convention on Biological Diversity: SBSTTA12 & WGRI2
Project Group on COP9 of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
Expert Meeting on the Revised African Model Law on Safety on Biotechnology
Preparation for "Planet Diversity"
Symposium "Human Ecology Perspectives and Higher Education in Germany and Switzerland"
Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples Strategy Meeting on Access and Benefit-Sharing
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS WG5)
UNEP/IUCN ABS Module Draft Discussion
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8j (WG8J 5)
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Liability and Redress
Seminar "The Commons Project"
First German National Forum on Biodiversity


Lecture Series in preparation of COP9 in Bonn
VDW Conference "Sustainable Research on the use of fertile land compatible with nature"
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Liability and Redress
NGO Workshop and press conference on Biosafety
Political Dialog "Poverty Eradication and Biodiversity"
Meeting of the Chamber on Sustainable Development of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany
Lecture Series "Sustainable Politics in Global Environmental Change"
Study Group on Global Future of the German Society for International Politics
Press conference "Condemned to Succeed – NGO Demands to COP 9 in Bonn"
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Liability and Redress
NGO Preparatory Meeting for MOP4
Cartagena Protocol MOP4
Planet Diversity
NGO Capacity Building Day for COP9
Convention on Biological Diversity COP9
Expert meeting on Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice with regard to GMOs
CBD Alliance Board meeting
„Community Conserved Areas as successful models of governance of protected areas“
Meeting of the German COP9 delegation with civil society organizations
COP 9 side event "Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) – Consent or Consultation?”
Regional Workshop on the German National Strategy on Biodiversity
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Protected Areas (WGPA 2)
International Workshop on Biodiversity and Poverty Reduction
Meeting of the Chamber on Sustainable Development of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany
Nuclear-free Future Awards 2008 Ceremony
German Environmental Award for Ernst von Weizsäcker
Neckargemund Talks Women and Environment
onsultation Area: Application of genetically modified organisms in developing countries
Annual Ecoropa meeting
Strategy meeting on Ecoropa's involvement in the CBD negotiations
WECF Board of Trustees
Preparation of a European Network of Scientists


Group of Friends of the Co-Chairs on Liability and Redress
Biosafety Capacity-building Activities Meetings
Working Group on Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (WGABS 7)
Working Group on Gender of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies: Ethical Aspects of Synthetic Biology
WECF Symposium „Innovation for Sustainability. The Crisis as an Opportunity”
Expert Group on Traditional Knowledge associated with Genetic Resources
"Biodiversity and Gender" at the German Federal Agency for Nature Protection
Symposium "Architecture of a Climate Regime after 2012" on the 70th birthday of Ernst von Weizsäcker
Founding of ENSSER
Meeting of Prof. Sigmund Kvalöy and Christine von Weizsäcker
Symposium "Biodiversity: Ensuring Food Security?!"
ENSSER meeting
Awarding the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany to Ernst von Weizsäcker
Meeting of the Chamber on Sustainable Development of the Council of the Protestant Church in Germany
Lecture Tour in Japan in preparation of COP10 and MOP5
NABU Advisory Board meeting
WECF Board of Trustees
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Article 8j (WG8J 6)
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (ABS WG8)
Awarding of the Bavarian Nature Protection Award 2009 to Christine von Weizsäcker
Meeting of Dr. Susanne Gura and Christine von Weizsäcker
GENET Meeting & Seminar
Memorial Service for Edward Goldsmith


„Which kind of Growth for Quality of Life?"
Biosafety Capacity-building Activities Meetings
Liability and Redress Meeting
Japan Tour: Preparation for the CBD and Cartagena Protocol meetings in Nagoya
Women in Europe for a Common Future - Board of Trustees
UN negotiations on Access and Benefit-sharing for Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledege
Ecoropa General Assembly
ENSSER-EEA Symposium: „Science and Society, Integrity of Science under Attack“
CBD Alliance Board meeting
CBD negotations: SBSTTA14 & WGRI3
Neumarkt Sustainability Award to Ernst von Weizsäcker and Claus Biegert
Meeting of the Friends of the Co-Chairs on Liability and Redress
WECF Board of Trustees
Joint Aarhus Convention/Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety workshop
Scientific Conference: Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety
Cartagena Protocol MOP5
Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Access and Benefit-sharing (ING-9)
Convention on Biological Diversity - COP10
Planet Diversity
Workshop Parliamentary Group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen on COP 10 decisions
CBD Alliance Board meeting
Meeting of the Forum Environment and Development on COP10 decisions


ABS Strategy meeting
WECF - Board of Trustees
IEG Woman/Major Group meeting in preparation for Rio+20
Club of Rome Working Lunch on Climate Change and Biodiversity
Aurelio Peccei Lecture: The Biodiversity Crisis and its Governance
Green Week: Who owns Biomasse? The inequitable struggle for agricultural resources
Ministerial Roundtable 1 on „Green Economy“
Breakfast Meeting of the Network of Women Ministers and Leaders for the Environment
Meeting of the President of the Governing Council with representatives of Global Major Groups
Representation and effective participation of NGOs and other Major Groups in the IPBES process
Ministerial Roundtable 3 on “International Enrionmental Governance”
UNEP side event on „The Green Economy and Forests“
RIO+20 preparation meetings
Second Meeting of the Advisory Group on IEG
12th Meeting of the Global Major Groups and Stakeholder Forum
Meeting of the UNEP Director with Ecoropa and WECF
Global Major Groups & Stakeholder Forum: Towards Rio+20: The role of Civil Society
Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum
Ecoropa Annual Report and General Assembly preparation
Meeting of the Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung
ENSSER conference: Sustainability and holistic assessment of technologies and biotechnologies“
Biosafety Capacity-building Activities Meetings
Preparation meeting for the "Future of Energy" conference
Ecoropa General Assembly
Nagoya Protocol ICNP1 meeting
Aarhus Convention MOP4
Meeting of Ecoropa members
WECF - Board of Trustees
64th Annual UN Conference "Sustainable Societies Responsive Citizens"
„Limits to the Anthropocene“
European expert meeting in preparation for SBSTTA (Vilm meeting)
UNEP Consultations
"Our daily Rice – Doable for all, but how?"
Editorial meeting on ABS
Meeting of the Working Group on 8(j)
Convention on Biological Diversity: SBSTTA 15
Innovation Award of the Land of North Rhine Westfalia to Ernst von Weizsäcker
"Generation Sustainability – When, if not by us?"
WECF - Board of Trustees
Second Intersessional Meeting in Preparation of Rio+20


13th Meeting of the Global Major Groups and Stakeholder Forum
Special Session of the Governing Council of UNEP
Biosafety Capacity-building Activities Meetings
Informal Informals in Preparation of UNCSD Rio+20
Meeting for the Annual Ecoropa report
European expert meeting in preparation for SBSTTA (Vilm meeting)
Second IPBES meeting
Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung - Meeting of the Working Group on Biodiversity
Award of the Land Baden-Württemberg to Ernst von Weizsäcker
Convention on Biological Diversity: SBSTTA16 & WGRI4
Symposium „The Economy of Enough“
3rd Meeting of the Preparatory Committee on UN-Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Rio+20
Pre-Conference Informal Informals on UN-Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Rio+20
United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Rio+20
Second session of the ICN of the Nagoya Protocol
Neumarkt Sustainability Award to Christine von Weizsäcker
Development Cooperation Focus Seminar
Ecorpa website sprint
Indian GMO Conference
International Scientific Conference on Biosafety
WECF Board of Trustees and
Expert meeting of the NGO Forum Environment and Development on Financing the Strategic Plan of the CBD
Cartagena Protocol MOP6
Convention on Biological Diversity COP11
Bonn Symposium 2012 „Paradigm Change 2015. Towards a new agenda for sustainable development“;
Expert Conference „Biodiversity and Society“:
Working Group on Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
Conference „Global Food Security and Poverty Eradication as Challenges for Peace and Sustainability“,
WECF Board of Trustees


First IPBES meeting
UNEP Expert Group on Participation
Meeting with VDW on IPBES
Meeting withVDW on areas of cooperation
Student Sustainability Conference
Strategy meeting on the EU Draft Directive implementing the Nagoya Protocol
Meeting of the Working Group on biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
Annual Meeting of Environmental Award Winners
Workshop on Participation Strategy for IPBES
WECF Board of Trustees
20 Years Anniversary of the NGO "More Democracy"
Workshop on Public Participation at IPBES
Meeting with the Honary President of Ecoropa
Meeting of Ecoropa members
Meeting of the Working Group on Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development
European expert meeting in preparation for SBSTTA (Vilm meeting)
Experts Meeting on Socio-Economic Considerations in Biosafety
Convention on Biological Diversity: Working Group on Article 8(j) & SBSTTA17
GENET Annual Meeting
WECF Board of Trustees
Stakeholder Day in preparation of IPBES 2
Second IPBES meeting


Inauguration Ceremony for Scientific Advisory Council of the Secretary General of the United Nations
Participation in the Third Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee on the Nagoya Protocol, Korea
Environmental Award „Trophée de Femmes“ for Christine von Weizsäcker
3rd Internation Convention of Environmental Laureates
Tenth Meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for Biosafety
POWA Project of the German Food Aid Organization „Welthungerhilfe”: Kick-off Meeting of the German Advisory Group
Informal Advisory Board of the Biosafety Clearing House
„Urbanity and Human Ecology – Modifying European Urban Life for Sustainability" Conference
European expert meeting in preparation for SBSTTA18
Working Group Biodiversity of the Forum Environment and Development
Aarhus Convention MOP5
Convention on Biological Diversity: WGRI5 & SBSTTA18
IPBES Pan-European Stakeholder Consultation
“Green Freedom Congress” of the Parliamentary Party Group of the Greens
ENSSER conference "Science in the Eye of the Storm"
CBD COP 12, Cartagena Protocol MOP7 and Nagoya Protocol MOP1
Conference „Contributing to the Eradication of Poverty and Hunger in Ethiopia and Somalia”
Lecture course: The Role of International Organizations and NGOs focusing on the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Protocols”
Working Group Biodiversity of the Forum Environment and Development


IPBES 3 and Stakeholder days
„Setting the Course for a World without Hunger"
„Soils, Food Security, and Sustainable Land Management for Sustainable Development"
Systemic Pesticides
4th International Convention of Environmental Laureates
Concordia Award to Freda Meissner-Blau
Nurnberg Konvent on the human right for food
Ecoropa Annual Meeting and General Assembly
Annual General Assembly
Ecoropa Annual Meeting and General Assembly
GMO-free Europe. Future Opportunities and Challenges Conference
16. Schönauer Stromseminar
Internationale Sommer-Universität „The Future of Food Sustainability“
AG Biodiversität des Forums Umwelt und Entwicklung
European Expert Meeting in preparation of SBSTTA 19
Whistleblower award for Prof. Gilles-Eric Séralini
SBSTTA 19 & Article 8j
Deutscher Umweltpreis 2015
Conference: Governing Biotech 2.0


IPBES 4 and Stakeholder days
International Expert Workshop „Recent Developments in Synthetic Biology – Strategies for Environmental Risk Assessment“
European Expert Meeting in Preparation of SBSTTA 20
Liaison Group on Capacity-Building in Biosafety
SBSTTA 20 & Strategy meetings
SBI 1 & meetings
Strategy meeting "Biodiversity and Financial Mechanisms"
Working group Biodiversity of the German NGO Forum on Environment and Development
"Voice for Biodiversity!
Workshop on Synthetic Biology


Advisory Committe BirdLife Germany
Geoengineering Strategy Workshop
5th National Forum on IPBES
VDW expert group "Erdgestaltung"
IPBES 5 and Stakeholder day
"Women and Ecology"
27th Annual Conference
B.A.U.M. award for Christine von Weizsäcker
Interview "Biology and Ethics"
Aarhus Convention MOP 6
"Women and Ecology"
VDW expert group "Erdgestaltung"
European Expert Meeting in preparation of SBSTTA 21
„Climate Action and Human Wellbeing at a Crossroads"
“Climate and Biodiversity”
ENSSER Annual General Assembly
Workshop "Agriculture and health"
Task Force on Systemic Pesticides
Working group on Article 8(j)
"Towards a new CBD Strategy 2021-2030"
Meeting with TWN
„Assessing and Governing Disruptive Technologies in the 2050 Vision for Biodiversity“


German National Forum on IPBES
NGO Forum Environment and Development
International Workshop on Gene Drives
Interview "Insect Loss"
Neckargemünd Talks on „Women and Ecology“
German Society for Human Ecology
NABU Advisory Committe
European Expert Meeting in Preparation of SBSTTA 22
Conference call with GYBN
SBSTTA 22 and SBI 2
Lecture "The Role of Biodiversity"
"More courage for Multilateralism"
Systemic Pesticide
Liason group on Capacity Building for Biosafety
Workshop on Gene Drives
Meeting with Client Earth
Events at Navdanya and Forest Research Institute
UBA Workshop: Regulation of Geoengineering
Neckargemünd Talks on „Women and Ecology“
Meeting with Dr. Renate Künast
Conference „Overcoming the Crisis with Risky Technologies?"
Fostering Community Conservation
COP14, MOP9 and MOP3: Participation and side events
Seminar on „Genetic Engineering reloaded"